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Demand Sheriff's Oversight Former Portland Police Assistant Chief Dan Noelle has been elected Sheriff of Multnomah County. Noelle pledged during his campaign to create an oversight process, but his statements indicated he only wants citizens reviewing internal investigations, much like PIIAC does with the PPB. In December, 1994, the California Supreme Court ruled that charter counties have the power to create citizen review boards and to give them the power to subpoena witnesses and evidence. While the decision rests on the "home rule" provisions of the California state constitution, the precedent should give Multnomah County residents the strength to demand the that a full-fledged citizen review board be established by the new Sheriff.
For more information, call us at POPSG at 503-236-3065, or call
Second Trimester, 1995
Portland Copwatch Portland Copwatch is a grassroots, volunteer organization promoting police accountability through citizen action.
People's Police Report
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