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PIIAC Quarterly Report Excerpts

Every three months, the PIIAC citizen advisors prepare a report for City Council (which is the actual PIIAC). Since the reports began coming out again in fall 1994, they have been exposing some serious problems in police training and practices, mostly in IID.

Key points in the February report (Fourth quarter, 1994) include:

LACK OF DETAIL: In some Cases, officers "described the complainant as having been intoxicated but were not asked to provide supporting detail (such as appearance or behavior). In other cases involving excessive use of force, officers described having to put or 'place' someone on the ground, and again, descriptive details were not requested."

CLASSIFICATION: The system for classifying complaints is quite confusing. The finding of "unsubstantiated" is used when the case is found to be "without merit or fallacious." PIIAC advisors recommended that the finding of "unsubstantiated" NEVER be used in a case where physical force was definitely used. "The investigation should sincerely focus on whether the use of force was completely justified and within guidelines; if it was, the proper finding Should be Exonerated."

USE OF LANGUAGE: In one case, and investigator referred to a complainant as "12-34", which means a "mental case". This led to the recommendation the "IID detectives describe specific behaviors, traits and observations to support their position if they believe a complainant's credibility is compromised due to possible mental or emotional difficulties."

ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT: Here is Chief Moose's response to a recommendation from the third quarter report regarding two cases in which derogatory remarks were made about complainants: "These comments have been presented to existing staff as an example of what not to do when conducting an investigation and an interview. This information will be incorporated in future new investigator training."

  [People's Police Report]

Second Trimester, 1995
Also in PPR #6

Shooter Cop Reinstated
Critical Mass Update
Oakland Wins Asset Forfeiture Money
Mayor Overstates Changes to PIIAC
  • At Meetings, PIIAC Goes Public
PIIAC Raps Back to "union"
Excerpts from PIIAC Quarterly Report
Sheriff Contemplates Oversight
Videos of 1994 National
  Police Accountability Conference

Rapping Back #6

Portland Copwatch
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065/ Incident Report Line (503) 321-5120
e-mail: copwatch@portlandcopwatch.org

Portland Copwatch is a grassroots, volunteer organization promoting police accountability through citizen action.

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