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Raps Back

Our regular column ("Rapping Back") responding to the police union newsletter The Rap Sheet, could not achieve the height of irony reached at the April PIIAC meeting.

PIIAC advisors were outraged by Rap Sheet editor Loren Christensen, who printed an article in the March Rap Sheet about why he failed to act when a citizen testifying before the PIIAC advisors was becoming increasingly agitated.

"They began to ask him to leave. I say began, because they were to ask him over and over, first in a calm voice, then in a shout-- all to no avail. Then they made threats to call the police. ... Many panel members were beginning to show concern, a few were showing fear. Some scooted their chairs back, some left the room....After several minutes the guy stormed out when it finally sunk in that the police might be coming....

"What did I do during all this?

"Nothing. I saw my role as a teacher. Teaching the panel what officers put up with every time they deal with this guy, and with a whole lot of other people just like him. Call it a reality check if you want.

"I just saw it as my duty."

While Flying Focus video tapes of the meeting give the sense that the citizen wasn't posing any real threat, the fact remains that the advisors were clamoring to call for police and Christensen, in the room, refused to identify himself as a cop.

And so, at the April PHAC meeting, the advisors let the acting assistant chief and the head of Internal Affairs know that they were thinking of filing a complaint against Christensen. But they became stumped when they asked, "What happens if we disagree with the IAD finding? We'd have to appeal it to ourselves." (Of course, they would actually appeal it to the real PIIAC, which is City Council). IAD took it upon themselves to investigate with no formal complaint, but apparently PPA attorney Will Aitchison chastised PIIAC for complaining anyway in a letter to Chair Ingrid Slezak.

We are not implying that Christensen did have to intervene, but since no other police were present at that particular meeting (which took place at the King Facility) he should have at least identified himself.

  [People's Police Report]

Second Trimester, 1995
Also in PPR #6

Shooter Cop Reinstated
Critical Mass Update
Oakland Wins Asset Forfeiture Money
Mayor Overstates Changes to PIIAC
  • At Meetings, PIIAC Goes Public
PIIAC Raps Back to "union"
Excerpts from PIIAC Quarterly Report
Sheriff Contemplates Oversight
Videos of 1994 National
  Police Accountability Conference

Rapping Back #6

Portland Copwatch
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065/ Incident Report Line (503) 321-5120
e-mail: copwatch@portlandcopwatch.org

Portland Copwatch is a grassroots, volunteer organization promoting police accountability through citizen action.

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