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POPSG Joins National Coalition on People from all over the U.S. including Worcester, MA; Syracuse, NY; Seattle; L.A.; the Bay Area; Texas, and New Mexico attended. One of the major upcoming actions is a set of hearings to gather information nationally on police misconduct, which will then be forwarded to the U.N. commission on Human Rights. The National Black Police Officers association has agreed to co-sponsor such hearings within the next year. Contact POPSG if you have a story to tell or want info. N-COPA also endorsed three concepts because of their connection to police misconduct: (a) the gang truce which began in L.A. between Crips and Bloods (police have tried undermining the truce to keep gangs at "war"); (b) the efforts to get Gary Graham off death row (police helped suppress evidence which proves him innocent until after the 30 day deadline for appeals); and (c) efforts to abolish the death penalty (because so many cases are linked to some sort of improper police actions). One highlight of the conference was a march and rally to support the family of a young man who was shot by police in Santa Fe when he was threatening suicide. Look for more information on the national conference, including plans for National Police Accountability Week (Feb. 26-Mar. 4, 1995) and videotapes of the conference from Flying Focus Video. (Tapes of the 1993 conference are still available.)
Third Quarter, 1994
Portland Copwatch Portland Copwatch is a grassroots, volunteer organization promoting police accountability through citizen action.
People's Police Report
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