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Police Report Shows True Blue Colors a special supplement to Rapping Back

The Portland Police Bureau has published an annual report for 1993, which features some interesting points we thought we'd share with the general public.

[image of telephone search warrant]Here's the first warrant based solely on observations of "trained neighbor observers." Is turning neighbor against neighbor a way to build community?

[vehicles towed for no proof of insurance]Despite our efforts to obtain precise figures, police spokespeople only could say that "very few" cars towed actually had insurance and had to be returned. There is also no followup on the initial concerns that this would be applied with disparity againt people of color. POPSG hopes to find out the average income level of the 700 people per month whose cars are towed for no proof of insurance--thus putting them furhter in the financial hole in order to pay towing costs and any related tickets!

[verdict in Los Angeles police- Rodney King federal case]There is no mention here that police plans were dubbed "Operation Verdict" in a typically militaristic fashion.

We will continue to analyze the report and inform you of its contents; for your own copy contact the PPB's planning and support division [strategic services division] 503-823-0283.

  [People's Police Report]

Third Quarter, 1994
Also in PPR #4

POPSG Joins National Conference in Santa Fe
  • ...and Regional Conference in Berkeley
New Reports: Personnel, Mental Health,
  PIIAC Quarterly

Police Report Shows True Blue Colors
Quick Flashes: Critical Mass, Hooper Detox
Rapping Back #4

Portland Copwatch
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065/ Incident Report Line (503) 321-5120
e-mail: copwatch@portlandcopwatch.org

Portland Copwatch is a grassroots, volunteer organization promoting police accountability through citizen action.

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