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...and Regional Conference in Berkeley In September, Dan Handelman, Douglas Squirrel and Sheldah Holmes, drove to Berkeley as the Portland contingent to the California regional conference on police accountability . The conference was coordinated by Berkeley Copwatch. We arrived in time to hear the keynote address by former prison guard turned activist Andrea Gibbs. Gibbs blew the whistle on brutality in Mississippi jails and subsequently founded Victim's Voice. This powerful kickoff to the conference was followed by an equally powerul agenda. During the weekend we networked with fellow activists, attended workshops, and shared ideas. Among the workshops were: The Struggle for Justice: Grassroots Strategies; End Racist Mug Files; and Copwatch training. The workshops were complemented by two presentations, one forum, and a performance by Judith Sloan portraying Andrea Gibbs. The Death Penalty, "Three Strikes," anti-immigration election issues, gang truce, and Food Not Bombs' Keith McHenry case were a few of the issues discussed. In addition, participants spoke about civilian oversight, accessing information, and police abuse. The conference concluded, a success. We left for Portland, full of empowerment to share and ideas to implement.
Third Quarter, 1994
Portland Copwatch Portland Copwatch is a grassroots, volunteer organization promoting police accountability through citizen action.
People's Police Report
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