Peace and Justice Works Web
Page--Backup Version
Peace and Justice Works Summer Quarterly meeting and vegetarian potluck Col Summers Park, SE 17th & Taylor; Potluck at 12:00, meeting at 12:30
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Download our most recent Fact
March 20, 2012
Info on Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Action
![]() See an image of the Message to the
Iraqi People
April-May, 2007: Peace and Justice Works and other organizations
Download a "Bring all the troops home now" sign to put in your window
Campaign to Bring Oregon's Troops Home - Includes Oregon State resolution info Our Most Recent Fact
Fact Sheet-March 20, 2012
Fact Sheet-September 9,
Fact Sheet-January 14,
Click here for other PJW fact sheets
ARCHIVES: Click here for less-recent info on PJW
LINKS: Click here for contacts and
references page
ONGOING ACTIONS: Ongoing peace
actions in the greater Portland area
Peace and Justice Works [PJW], formerly known as Portland Peaceworks,
Oregon non-
profit corporation whose main purpose is to educate the general public on important issues
including but not limited to: peace, justice, the environment, and human rights.
Organizationally, much of Peace and Justice Works' activities are conducted through Project
Groups, also known as affinity groups. Peace and Justice Works is primarily an umbrella
organization which disseminates information on the tragedy of military interventions and military
spending, builds coalitions among groups whose goals intersect with our own, and particpates in
programs initiated by
Oregon PeaceWorks
(with whom we are affiliated), annual Hiroshima Day commemorations, and various community
activities with other peace and justice organizations.
PJW has helped organize and coordinate multiple major mobilizations for
peace since late 2002 with various other groups seeking to end (and
prevent) the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Previously, one of our largest activities was the Peace
and Justice Fair, held on Memorial Day (1992-
1997, 1999) to remember those who gave their lives in war by working toward a world without
war. The community event involves the neighborhood surrounding Irving Park as well as activists
from all over the region, musicians, food, children's activities and speakers. Literature from many
groups is distributed to make this an educational event as well as a celebration.
While Project Groups can (by our bylaws) be created or disbanded from
time to time, existing groups at this time are:
Nothing stated above limits Peace and Justice Works to the project groups listed. As
circumstances develop, we will begin other projects. Our overall mission will remain to educate
the general public on issues including but not limited to peace, justice, the environment and human
Page last updated May 23, 2012,