![]() Police Use of Force Report Promises Change; Lacks Crucial
On April 24, the "Independent" Police Review Division (IPR) and the Police Bureau released a "Use of Force Task Force Report," based on a study of the Bureau's relatively new Use of Force forms. In reality, the document is a "Use of Some Force Report," because it doesn't address deadly force, including when police point their weapons at people. A thorough review would examine the entire continuum of force. The nine-member Task Force consisted of five members of the Police Bureau, two IPR staff, and two members of the IPR's Citizen Review Committee (CRC). Some recommendations are surprisingly strong. For example, that the Bureau should define what is a "reasonable" amount of force, direct officers "toward the goal of using lower force options when appropriate," and require officers not to put themselves "recklessly" into a position that allows them to use force, then justifying its use. The last recommendation follows a policy created in the wake of Officer Scott McCollister shooting and killing Kendra James which currently only applies to the use of deadly force (PPR #35).
The Use of Force Report, like PARC's most recent (PPR #41), dismisses the significance of racial disparity in use of force. The authors hide behind the assertion that "a meaningful analysis in this area would not be possible within the time or funding provided for this project." No member of the Task Force was a person of color. There was no analysis on whether the force studied was tactically sound or even within Bureau policy. However, 66 particular officers (about 7% of the Bureau) are responsible for 39% of the Use of Force Reports--a total of 1,788 reports, or an average of 27 per officer in the time period reviewed. Two suggestions regarding downtown issues include reducing the use of force in Central Precinct and by Transit police (who were involved in the beating death of James Chasse, Jr. last year [PPR #40], and found to have the City's highest use-of-force rate), and requiring the "street crimes unit" to meet twice a year with the IPR Director and Assistant Chief Berg. Unfortunately, their suggestions for change include "broadening the strategies... to control street level drug dealing, street disorder... and public disorder."
In addition, the report says:
*Note: this URL changed since we published PPR #41.
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