Since October 2011:
Donate On Line through Network for Good
Ready to donate?
here or on the Network for Good icon.
--Please only use on line donation services if you are already comfortable doing so. PJW
recoginizes inherent risks in any online use of financial information, no matter how trusted or
--Network for Good allows payment through credit cards, a "Good Card" you can set up through
them and PayPal (which is not as trusted).
--Network for Good is a well-trusted online service for nonprofits. However, we feel you should
know that they will add a 5% surcharge to your donation in order to handle your donation to us.
(Network for good is also a non-profit.) See table
--Network for Good will also require you to set up an identity with them, which may result in your
receving emails from them.
--The minimum donation is $10.
Donations can be made one-time, monthly,
quarterly or annually.
--Please use the Network for Good form to identify where you would like us to direct your
___ Peace and Justice Works General Fund
___ Portland Copwatch
___ Iraq Affinity Group
___ Portland SOA Watchers
___ Sarajevo Peace Centre
___ (website)
___ Wherever it is most needed
___ Towards a specific event
...and/or if your donation is in honor of/in memory of someone.
About the 5% charge
Network for Good takes 5% to process your donation. They want PJW to get your full donation,
so that if you donate $100, you will be charged $105, $100 of which will go to PJW and $5 will go
to Network for Good. We regret that this is necessary-- but we can't set up our own online donation
service, so it seems fair.
If you are wondering what the fees will be for your rounded donation:
$.50 fee for $10 donation
$1.00 fee for $20 donation
$1.25 fee for $25 donation
$2.50 fee for $50 donation
$5.00 fee for $100 donation
$12.50 fee for $250 donation
(Note: Network for Good only allows round dollar amounts to be donated)
Ready to donate?
here or on the Network for Good icon above.
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