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Justice for Keaton Otis community informationOn May 12, 2010 Keaton Otis was pulled over by Portland's "Hotspot Enforcement Action Team" (HEAT) for looking like a gang member and driving a nice car (his mother's Toyota). Officers punched him in the face and hit him with a Taser three times; one officer was hit by a bullet they say came from a gun Otis pulled from the glove compartment. A hail of 32 bullets was fired at Keaton, hitting him 23 times and killing him.
For more information
check the Justice
for Keaton Otis Facebook Page
Fourth Annual Memorial for Keaton Otis WHEN: MON., May. 12th // 06:00 PM WHERE: Allen Temple CME Church, 4236 NE 8th Ave. May 12, 2014 marks four years that Keaton Otis, a young black man, was killed by Portland police officers after they stopped him for "looking like a gangster." Please join friends and family to remember the life of Keaton, his father Fred Bryant, and to call for justice in this case and all cases of police violence. Also see the Facebook page for the 4th anniversary memorial
Otis' Father Denied Right to Appeal "No Misconduct" Findings"
In February 2012, Fred Bryant, father of Keaton Otis, filed a request to appeal the Police Review
Board's findings that officers had acted within policy when they shot his son.
In September 2012, Independent Police Review Division (IPR) Director Mary-Beth Baptista denied
that Bryant had the right to such an appeal, despite her having created new rules for IPR that allow
any civilian involved in an incident with police to appeal his/her case regardless of whether he/she
filed a complaint.
In October 2012, Ms. Curphey responded to IPR, reiterating that Bryant should have a right to
appeal the findings to the Citizen Review Committee (CRC). So far, the IPR and CRC have not discussed this publicly or responded to Curphey or Bryant.
Two Year Memorial for Keaton Otis Public Event Saturday, May 12, 2012 - 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm The Miracles Club 4200 NE Martin Luther King Jr Bv, Portland
Come to the two year memorial, planned by Keaton's father Fred Bryant,
to remember and honor Keaton Otis's life.
EVENT: Thursday, May 12, 2011 6:00 PM A Celebration of Life: Keaton Otis, Jan. 4 1985-May 12, 2010Miracles Club, 4069 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland
For more information
check the Justice
for Keaton Otis Facebook Page
We will try to keep you posted on upcoming community events.
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