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Prominence of ICE Abuses Brings Joint Terrorism Task Force Issue to the News

The current campaign to get Portland Police to stop assigning two part time members to the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) includes the analysis that Portland cannot be a "sanctuary city" while cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers on the JTTF. When the Occupy ICE PDX protest captured the city's-- and the nation's-- attention (see article), one rallying cry from some of the protestors was to get Portland out of the JTTF. On June 27, Commissioner Chloe Eudaly managed to convince Council (with Mayor Wheeler absent) to allow the public to testify for over a half an hour about ICE, though there was no way to take a vote due to protocols. Olivia Katbi-Smith testifying at City 
CouncilOlivia Katbi-Smith of Democratic Socialists of America (a participant in the campaign) spoke strongly as the daughter of an immigrant about getting out of the JTTF. Eudaly claimed there are leaders in the immigrant and refugee community who want Portland to keep participating, but said she was open to a discussion. These comments made it onto the TV news (KGW-TV, June 27). At the hearing, Commissioner Amanda Fritz stated her ongoing dedication to getting Portland out of the Task Force. After Wheeler had the Occupy ICE PDX camp dismantled, he explicitly told the Portland Tribune (July 31) that he has no intention of getting out of the JTTF, pointing to "the threat of white power domestic terrorism" (though the FBI has traditionally worked to undermine leftist groups, Muslims and communities of color). However, he noted he expects Council to revisit the issue in 2019.

Meanwhile, the April 17 forum on the JTTF featuring former FBI agent Michael German and a local panel (PPR #74) is now online. Links to the video and other materials about the campaign can be found at http://www.portlandcopwatch.org/pjttf.html .

  People's Police Report

September, 2018
Also in PPR #75

PPB Car Chase Leads to Deadly Crash
OR Shootings Hit Annual Average by July
Police and "Union" vs. Houseless People
Review Committee Shunned, Seeks Change
Oversight Report Drops Force Data
Portland Police Collaborate with ICE
Terror Task Force in the News
COCL Says DOJ Agreement Almost Done
Training Council Streamlines Processes
Police Crack Down on Antifascist Rallies
Chief Gets Press, Starts Strategic Plan
Sheriff Actions: Pro and Con
Copwatch Comments on Bureau Policies
Quick Flashes #75
  • PPR's 25th Anniversary
  • PPB Cop Uses 'N' Word / Profiling Updates
  • Supremes Uphold Cell Phone Privacy
Rapping Back #75

Portland Copwatch
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065/ Incident Report Line (503) 321-5120
e-mail: copwatch@portlandcopwatch.org

Portland Copwatch is a grassroots, volunteer organization promoting police accountability through citizen action.

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