More Shooter Cops, and Some Who Did Not Shoot, Receive Awards

[PCW version of police 
medal] As we reported in PPR #28, the Police Medal was awarded to the officers who shot Byron Hammick (as were the shooters of José Mejía Poot). The same award was given to Sgt. Scott Johnson and Officer Larry Keller (as well as a Gresham and a Troutdale officer) for their part in killing Justyn Gallegos in October 2000 (see PPR #22). Gallegos' case is not listed among the Bureau's fatally wounded suspects because although the Portland officers did shoot him, according to a news reporter, the coroner determined it was either a Troutdale or Gresham bullet that killed Gallegos, not a Portland bullet.

Another Police Medal was awarded to Officer Christopher Kenagy, who killed Anthony Beck in April 2002 (see PPR #27).

Reserve Officers Mike Glass and John Wood, who shot and killed Daniel Cromb in December 2001, also received Police Medals.

In more community-oriented efforts (no shots fired, nobody hurt): Officers Matthew Delilinko, Brian Hubbard and Robert Ball received the Police Medal for defusing a dangerous situation in July 2002. When a man was holding a woman at knife-point, the officers pulled the woman to safety and got the man to drop the knife with verbal orders. In September, 2001, Officer Brian Hunzeker put his hand on a gun to prevent a suspect from firing it.

Since not all officers who receive the "Police Medal" are ones who use deadly force, the Bureau should carefully consider the impact on the community when awarding Police Medals in situations where suspects are killed. Other awards given out last fall for defusing potentially deadly situations were "Life Saving Awards" and not "Police Medals." (Source: The Rap Sheet, April and June, 2003).


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